Friday, April 1, 2016

Welcome to My Blog "here is the "teranyar" blog

Welcome to Blogg  Up to Date "Teranyar" ....

this is my blog, may be the content in my blog it's not Importent but sure you must read it. cause i try to give you my inspiration and may you will give me inspiration. So we'll give inspiration each other. for the best future and generation. Ok, bellow is my little essay hehe i dont know that opinion or not but you can warn me about my essay ........

little opinion about islamic Education

ok I will talk about the Islamic Education in our country Indonesia, now many schools bassed on Islamic education like SD IT, SMP IT, SMA IT and Islamic Boarding School. although, In our country has many Islamic Boarding schools but many form it's not followed by the role of goverment I mean it's not formality school. more than one thousand Islamic studies in Indonesia but more than it's not Formal. i don't know why ? but i think The goverment never made the Islamic Education School before. i relise our country it's not islamic country at all, cause many religions has  exist in Indonesia but only six religions recognized by goverment they are Islam, Hindhu, Budha, Katolik, Kristiani ad Konghucu. but here i'll only talk about Islamic Education. although our country has many Religions but Islam is Religion number one who has many follower in Indonesia. ok may be no one of School who is bassed by Religion are made by the goverment, but i hope goverment realized that Education is Importent for our generation. so let us support our Education for the best future and Generation...

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